Monthly Archives: April 2023

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks at Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition’s 23rd Annual Spring Kick-Off

Mar-a-Lago, FL—President Donald J. Trump will address the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Victory Conference remotely on Saturday, April 22, 2023. Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition is the state’s premiere faith-based organization that is committed to defending conservative values and religious liberty. President Trump has long supported the great patriots of Iowa and the Faith […]

Agenda47: Firing the Radical Marxist Prosecutors Destroying America

Mar-a-Lago, FL— In a new Agenda47 policy video, President Donald J. Trump pledged to restore justice in America and end the corrupt weaponization of our justice system by dangerous Marxist prosecutors. “There is no more dire threat to the American Way of Life than the corruption and weaponization of our Justice System—and it’s happening all around […]

Agenda47: Setting America Free from the Regulatory Onslaught of the Biden Administration.

Agenda47 Liberating America from Biden’s Regulatory Onslaught

President Donald J. Trump has announced his plan to liberate America from Joe Biden’s wasteful and job-killing regulatory onslaught, and to rein in the out-of-control bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. In a new Agenda47 policy video, he outlined a series of bold actions that aim to restore control of the government to the American people. One […]